Global Day of Action for Safe and Legal Access to Abortion

The Global Day of Action for Safe and Legal Access to Abortion is 28 September. Want to get involved? Find out how, here.


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2 responses to “Global Day of Action for Safe and Legal Access to Abortion

  1. Reblogged this on abortionechoes and commented:
    Women should fight for their rights, if abortion was illegal, the world would be full of unwanted, un-loved children. Is this the life pro-life supporter want for them?

  2. bj

    Just discovered your blog. I think its great! I have been searching for examples of what pro-life is *really* about. Its not about the babies. its about punishing and controlilng female sexuality.

    I often troll yahoo comments and when I do I pretend to be a woman hating pro-lifer. Its best if people see what pro-life is *really* about. They need to see the ugly. We need to take the moral high ground from them.

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